EFRAG releases the Voluntary Sustainability Reporting Standard for non-listed SMEs (VSME)

EFRAG is pleased to announce the delivery of its technical advice on the VSME, the voluntary reporting standard for non-listed micro-, small-, medium sized undertakings.
At the request of the European Commission (EC), expressly confirmed on December 12, 2024, EFRAG is pleased to announce today the delivery of its technical advice on the VSME, the voluntary reporting standard for non-listed micro-, small-, and medium sized undertakings.
From 22 January 2024 to 21 May 2024, EFRAG conducted a public consultation on the Exposure Draft of the VSME, receiving input from a wide number of stakeholders, including SMEs, SME associations, banks, banking associations, large undertakings, accountants, national standard setters and other stakeholders. The EFRAG SR TEG and the EFRAG SRB have addressed the feedback emerged from the public consultation and implemented additional simplifications. The VSME was approved by EFRAG SRB on 13 November 2024 and by EFRAG SR TEG on 22 October 2024. More…