SBFN, UNSSE и Китайский форум по устойчивым инвестициям организовали гибридный полудневный семинар в рамках Круглого стола по устойчивым

The China Sustainable Investment Forum (SIF), Sustainable Banking and Finance Network (SFBN) and UN SSE convened a Sustainable Exchange Roundtable with stakeholders from around the region on the role of stock exchanges in advancing corporate sustainability disclosure in Being, December 6, 2023.

As part of the roundtable SBFN, UNSSE and SIF organized a hybrid half day seminar focused on improved understanding on ISSB among SBFN members, stock exchanges and businesses. Around 50 participants joined in person and over 700 participants joined online.

At global level, ISSB, IFC and UNSSE shared ISSB updates with a focus on emerging market and SMEs.

Key messages from ISSB included: (i) jurisdiction specific requirements can be additional building blocks to be added on ISSB standards as global baselines; and (ii) ISSB mechanisms to support application (in emerging markets) follow the principle of proportionality, i.e. emphasis on information collection without undue cost or effort and taking into consideration of the reporting entity’s skills, capabilities and resources. Transition reliefs are expected to be released in early 2024.

IFC Disclosure and Transparency Program and UNSSE introduced the IFC-UNSSE collaboration on capacity building on ISSB for stock exchanges. UNSSE news here:  Asian sustainable finance stakeholders convene on the role of stock exchanges to advance disclosure | Sustainable Stock Exchanges (

SBFN, UNSSE and China Sustainable Investment Forum organized a hybrid half day seminar at the Sustainable Exchange Roundtable in Beijing

UK Embassy shared UK’s benchmarking of its sustainability disclosure standards to ISSB (UK Sustainability Disclosure Standards - GOV.UK (

Representatives from Bangladesh SEC (delegation organized and led by IFC),  Indonesia Stock Exchange, HK and China’s Shenzhen Stock Exchange shared their current practices and plans on ESG and climate related disclosure. There was a shared request for data platforms to support climate related disclosure.

IFC moderated the panel on corporate and capital market disclosure practices. Two Chinese companies and a leading asset manager highlighted the significance and challenges with climate and nature related data and disclosure, as well as need for capacity building.

ICMA shared its work with EU and Hongkong supporting assurance of sustainability bonds. FAIRR shared its work to support investors to engage with protein producers on ESG and climate disclosure. (FAIRR Initiative | A Global Network of Investors Addressing ESG Issues in Protein Supply Chains)
