Last updated: 04.30.2024
Model Structure of Annual Report

The table below outlines the main content elements of a model annual report, structured around a company’s strategy, governance, risk management, and performance.

 The model structure is aligned with the main recommendations of the governance, strategy, risk management (impact, risk, and opportunity management), and metrics and targets pillars of the IFRS S1 General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial Information and IFRS S2 Climate-Related Disclosures and European Sustainability Reporting Standards and will help your company prepare to disclose under the new standards.

Leadership, Culture and Commitment to Sustainability
  • Oversight of company purpose, values and culture
  • Governance approach to promoting long-term value for all stakeholders
  • Compliance with Sustainability Codes and Policies
Governing Bodies

Nomination and Appointment

  • Board member tenure
  • Rights of shareholders and other stakeholders
  • Role of Nomination Committee

Qualifications and Independence

  • Background (work, education); link with board role and company strategy
  • Sustainability expertise (aggregate and individual)
  • Diversity, equity and inclusion (gender, ethnicity, age, etc.)
  • Executive versus non-executive versus independent directors
  • Links between company and non-independent directors
  • Independence of board chair; role of independent board members

Board Work and Committees

  • Main activities and responsibilities
  • Role of board versus management
  • Committee's mandates and work (types, roles)
  • Composition, qualification, and independence


  • Remuneration policy
  • Actual remuneration

Board Evaluation

  • Board evaluation process
  • Key performance indicators
  • Results/areas of improvement; action plan

Governance of Sustainability

  • Oversight of sustainability issues at the board level, including most senior person responsible
  • Sustainability committee (stand-alone or subcommittee)


Role of Management

Control Environment

Internal Control Systems

  • Management and oversight
  • Scope
  • Internal Controls over Sustainability Reporting

Internal Audit Function

  • Internal audit: main activities, challenges, and findings
  •  Audit committee: role and deliberations, including financial reporting
  • External audit: tenure, qualification, independence; role of audit committee


  • Management system (whistleblowing, compliance program, officer in charge)
  • Integrating sustainability
Treatment Of Minority

Ownership and Control

  • Significant direct shareholders (or beneficial owners)
  • Indirect or "deemed" ownership
  • Groups and control chains
  • Controlling shareholder (identity, role, succession policy)

Rights of Minority Shareholder

  • Board nomination and other minority shareholder rights
  • Change of control

Related-Party Transactions (RPTs)

  • Policy and management process
  • Details on RPTs
Governance Of Stakeholder
  • Commitment, Policy and Strategy
  • Management and Governance
  • Stakeholder Identification
  • External Communication and Grievance Mechanisms
Climate Governance
  • Role of the board in overseeing climate-related issues
  • Role of management in assessing and managing climate-related issues
  • IFC's Climate Governance Matrix
Strategy Overview
  • Description of long-term strategy, including sustainability strategy 
  • Management review progress and setbacks
  • Introduction of the main elements of strategy reporting
Strategic Context

Business Model

  • Products and services
  • Customers
  • Business processes 
  • Relationships, resources, and inputs

External Business Environment

  • Economic
  • Legal and regulatory
  • Market
  • Environmental, including climate
  • Competition

Stakeholder engagement

  • Definition of key stakeholder groups
  • Insights from stakeholder engagement
  • Integration in strategy
Strategic Implementation
  • Strategic Objectives and KPIs
    • Environmental, including climate-related KPIs
    • Social KPIs
    • Governance KPIs
  • Performance against targets and KPIs
  • Narrative explanation of progress, setbacks, changes in plan
Impacts, Risks and Opportunities
  • Material risks and opportunities over the short- medium- and long-term
    • Environmental, including climate-related  risks and opportunities
    • Social risks and opportunities
    • Governance
  • Impacts of risks and opportunities on financial performance
  • Material impacts  on people and the environment (including climate)
  • Effects of the impacts, risks and opportunities outlined on the company’s strategy and decision-making
  • The company’s resilience and ability to adjust to risks and opportunities
  • Responses to the impacts, risks and opportunities outlined, including any changes to strategy and business model

Risks, Impacts and Opportunities Management
  • Definition of materiality used for the assessment of risks, impacts and opportunities
Risks  Identification Processes and Policies, including climate 
  • Inputs and parameters used for risk assessment
  • Use of scenario analysis (climate, others as practicable)
  • Assessment used for the nature, likelihood and magnitude of the effects of risks
  • Prioritisation criteria for sustainability risks vs other risks
  • Processes for monitoring risks
  • Any changes to risk management process since previous reporting period
Impacts Identification Processes and Policies on People and Environment
  • Methodologies and assumptions used
  • Assessment of hightented risk or adverse impact
  • Assessment of own operations and business relationships
  • Consultation with stakeholders
  • Prioritisation of impacts
Opportunities Identification Processes and Policies
  • Opportunity (including sustainability-related) identification, assessment, prioritisation, and monitoring process
  • Integration of sustainability opportunity management process into overall opportunity management process
Performance, Metrics and Targets
Performance Overview

Analysis of Financial and Non-financial Performance

  • Operational and financial results, material changes, forward-looking information
  • Sustainability performance
  • Links between financial and non-financial performance


Analysis of Key Performance Indicators (KP|s)

Financial Statements

Financial Statements

  • Statements of income
  • Balance sheet
  • Statement of cash flows
  • Statement of change in stockholders' equity

Notes to financial statements 

  • Any material effects of climate-related matters on financial statements


Segment Reporting

Sustainability Performance

Quantitative measurement of the company performance

  • Suggested Metrics for Sustainability Statements
  • Sustainability Performance and Sustainable Finance

Climate-related Metrics and Targets

  • Metrics to assess climate-related risks and opportunities
  • Disclosing Scope 1, Scope 2, and if appropriate, Scope 3 emissions


Targets and performance against targets

Sustainability Statements

Sustainability Performance and Contribution to the SDGs

Financial Audit And Sustainability Assurance
  • Audit of financial statements
  • Assurance of sustainability statements